If you are thinking of starting a commercial or residential painting business, you will only need a few basic inexpensive tools to get started. You can buy other tools as more jobs emerge and with your initial payments. Here is a list of the most essential painting business tools to get you started.
1.) Quality cage structure – Also known as a paint roller. Wooster and Purdy have sturdy cage frames for commercial use, sold at most professional paint stores.
2.) Extension post – Get a good medium-sized fiberglass extension post to extend walls and ceilings.
3.) Wall sander – I always sanded walls and ceilings before unrolling them. It cleans cobwebs and anything else that needs to be knocked down to make the walls and ceilings smooth.
4.) Roller bucket – I use the Wooster roller bucket. It is tall, square and has a lid. It is made of durable plastic and is much better balanced than an ink tray and easily washed. Is required.
5.) Cut-in bucket – I like to put some paint in a small plastic bucket to cut. There are small 1 gallon buckets of drywall compost that when empty make a great cutting bucket and they have a lid. They will last for years.
6.) Ladder – A normal 5-foot wooden ladder works perfectly for most homes. If I need a 6-foot ladder, I have an aluminum one for that. Most of the time, all I need is my 5 feet and I’m only 5’6 “, so there you have it.
7.) 16-foot extension ladder – great for ladders or ranch-style outdoor work. I use my 16 foot extension ladder more than any other size. I also have 20 ‘and 24’ extension ladders, but I couldn’t live without my little 16-footer.8). Falling cloths – I like to use the runner type. They are inexpensive, light to carry and can be moved around the room easily. I also have 9 x 12 in hand.
9.) Fluorescent Light – Indoor painting without fluorescent light is almost impossible, especially on a cloudy day. Fluorescent light is a beautiful white light that is great for painting and shows colors in their true form.
10.) Tool bucket – An empty 5-gallon bucket is a great tool bucket. I keep my pliers, a hammer, razor blades, a caulking gun, etc., in my tool bucket.
11.) Small fan – I bought a $ 30 blower fan made by Stanley Tools from Walmart. It dries walls and ceilings quickly so you can get back to work by cutting and moving around the room without getting wet.
12.) Drywall compound – I hate Spackle. He blinks under paintings. I use the Sheetrock brand of 90-minute quick-dry drywall compound found at Lowes or other hardware stores for about $ 11 a bag. It will last all year. It is the powdered formula and is easy to mix instantly with water and a small cut bucket. That way, you don’t have to carry a heavy 5-gallon pick with you, which can also freeze during the winter and can get a lot of pieces over time.
13.) Caulking gun – I use caulking painters all the time to fill small gaps between wood, finish and walls. Most paint stores have this handy. I use the 35 year old indoor / outdoor type.
So there it is. If you are thinking about starting your own painting business and want to know how much it will cost to start, this list will help you. I would say that everything on the list totals around $ 300. If you already have a ladder and even a small extendable ladder, this will reduce your initial cost considerably.