
Even if a man has a desire to have an intimate relationship with a woman, he can continually end up with women who are not available. Having been with several women like this, he may discover that this area of ​​his life makes him feel a little frustrated.

If he were to look back on his life, he could see what is something that has been going on for several years, or it could have happened for a few decades. No matter how long this has been going on, he will probably want that area of ​​his life to change soon.

A false impression

When he met these women, he may have come to believe that he had finally found someone who was ready to have an intimate relationship. It would then be as if the lights were green, only for him to discover that it was just a mirage.

Consequently, he may have had a difficult time, finding it difficult to understand how he was cheated again. At that point, he could end up blaming the woman he was with, seeing her as yet another woman who wasted her time.

At first

If he were to think about what it was like when he met these women, he could think about how interested they were. From the start, they would have shown a lot of interest in him.

In addition to being happy to spend time with him regularly, they may have been very affectionate as well. One thing that can also stand out is what your sex life was like, which is very rewarding.

Two Extremes

To use an analogy, it would be as if at one stage they were in the Sahara desert, while at another, they were at the North Pole. Going from one climate to another would have been difficult for them.

However, it may not have always been so fast, as there may have been times when it happened more gradually. This may mean that it took a while to realize what was going on.

For example

So, the woman may have found time to see them a few times a week and that has started to change over time. As time passed and things got more serious, he may have discovered that she was rarely free.

In addition, she may have almost lost interest in sex over time. It would then have ceased to be warm and available, to be cold and out of reach.

A Clear Signal

However, what can be made clear is that just because a woman is strong in the beginning, it does not necessarily mean that she is available. In fact, this can be a clear sign that it is not available.

If a woman were really ready for an intimate relationship, it would probably take her a long time to meet a man. With an open heart, she wouldn’t want to just let someone into her life.

A big difference

The fact that she comes hard right away and is even open to having sex as soon as she can quickly shows that her heart is closed. Being naked is one thing, but it is quite another to reveal your true self.

However, what would have made it difficult for him to realize this is if he was involved in what was going on. His emotions would then be confused, making it difficult for him to think clearly.

What is happening?

A man like this may come to believe that this is how women are – the downside here is that it would mean that there is not much he can do. This area of ​​your life will be completely out of your hands.

What cannot be overlooked here is that he is the person who always appears, which means that he is participating in what is happening. If he went deep in himself, he would discover that the reason he continues to break up with women like this is due to the fact that he is emotionally unavailable.

Two Levels

Consciously, then, he will have the desire to find a woman who is not available, but unconsciously he will not want to get too close to a woman. The women he attracts will be reflecting what is going on inside him on a deeper level.

The reason he fails to see this may be due to the defenses he has built up over the years; these defenses will keep your feelings in check. If these defenses are removed, he will soon realize why he lives life this way.

Way Back

During his early years, his mother may have ended up approaching him, suffocating him in the process. It would have made him feel violated, but he would not have been able to do anything about it.

Disengaging emotionally probably would have been the only way for him to deal with this pain. It would make him lose touch with his emotional self, but it would be a small price to pay.


Deep within, being emotionally close to a woman will be seen as something that will make him lose himself – be annihilated. Your conscious mind will experience a great deal of anger and frustration as you experience life in this way, but for your unconscious mind this will be what seems safe.

If a man can identify with this and wants to change that area of ​​his life, he may need to seek outside support. With the help of a therapist or healer, he will be able to deal with his internal wounds.

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